An institution of higher education, or a cluster of institutions, other than a university, doing work of high standard in a specific area, can be declared as an institution deemed to be university under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 by the Central Government, on the advice of UGC. The institution shall be deemed to be a university for the purpose of UGC Act, and on such a declaration being made, all the provisions of the Act shall apply to such institution as if it were a university under the meaning of clause (f) of section 2 of the UGC Act.

Such institutions enjoy the academic status and privileges of a university. This status provides a fillip to these institutions to strengthen their academic activities in their specialized fields. Institutions deemed to be universities, like other universities, have the autonomy of offering various courses. These institutions design their own syllabus and courses to enable students in personal accomplishment and enlightenment, constructive public engagement, and productive contributions to society.

These Institutions have expanded the base of higher education in the country and are offering education and research facilities in various disciplines such as Health Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Management, Languages, Humanities & Social Sciences, Sciences, Education, Law, Agricultural Sciences, Fisheries, Forestry, Defence Technology, Maritime Education, Yoga, Music & Fine Arts, etc.

The UGC is determined to introduce accountability and transparency in the processing of applications for grant of the status of institution deemed to be university under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956.

(Notified on 2nd June 2023)

Apply For Deemed to be University Status

General Category - Documents to be uploaded in the on-line application
Clause Documents
6(2)a No objection certificate from the Affiliating University in case of an affiliated college.
6(2)b a detailed project report (DPR) containing its fifteen-year detailed strategic vision plan and a five-year rolling implementation plan, namely, the academic plan, faculty recruitment plan, students admission plan, research plan, campus information and communication technology plan, infrastructure development plan, finance plan, administrative plan, governance plan, etc. with clear annual milestones and action plans as to how the new institution deemed to be University is being set up and developed, with identifiable output and outcomes and shall also include the available academic and physical infrastructure with the institution
6(2)c Details of the sponsoring body with its aims and objectives, along with the details of the key academic and administrative personnel.
6(2)d Land ownership documents in the name of the proposed Deemed to be University or the sponsoring body
6(2)e NAAC/NBA accreditation /NIRF Ranking Certificate
6(2)f Approval from relevant statutory bodies for professional courses
6(2)g Information along with evidence regarding existing academic and physical infrastructure
6(2)h Undertaking for the creation of a corpus fund

Details of the financial sustainability of the institution. Please provide last 3 years income & expenditure statement of the institution(s).
6(2)i An undertaking to the effect that the proposed institution deemed to be University shall abide by all the provisions of the UGC Act, rules made under the said Act and these regulations.
6(2)j In case funded by the State/Central Government, a letter of commitment from the respective Government to continue financial support to the institution even after declaration as a Deemed to be University
6(3) Copies of the documents uploaded on the Commission’s web portal shall also be publicly disclosed on the website of the institution, duly certified by the Head of the institution
11(1) The proposed Deemed to be University shall be registered as a not for profit Society/Trust/Company
Sponsoring body exclusively established for running educational institutions shall be exempted from registering a separate society/trust/company
There is no need to transfer the assets from sponsoring society/trust/company to the proposed Deemed to be University provided that the body provides notarized affidavit to the effect that the entire moveable and immoveable assets allocated to the Deemed to be University shall not be leased or otherwise disposed off without the prior permission of the UGC and also that all expansion in the future shall be undertaken by the society/trust/company exclusively established for Deemed to be University.
The following documents shall be uploaded
i. Society/Trust/Company Registration documents
ii. Undertaking as stated above

Two categories under Distinct Category – Existing and Greenfield institutions.

Distinct Category - Documents to be uploaded in the on-line application
Clause Documents
6(2)a No objection certificate from the Affiliating University in case of an affiliated college.
6(2)b a detailed project report (DPR) containing its fifteen-year detailed strategic vision plan and a five-year rolling implementation plan, namely, the academic plan, faculty recruitment plan, students admission plan, research plan, campus information and communication technology plan, infrastructure development plan, finance plan, administrative plan, governance plan, etc. with clear annual milestones and action plans as to how the new institution deemed to be University is being set up and developed, with identifiable output and outcomes and shall also include the available academic and physical infrastructure with the institution
6(2)c Details of the sponsoring body with its aims and objectives, along with the details of the key academic and administrative personnel.
6(2)d Land ownership documents in the name of the proposed Deemed to be University or the sponsoring body
6(2)f Approval from relevant statutory bodies for professional courses
6(2)g Information along with evidence regarding existing academic and physical infrastructure
6(2)h Undertaking for the creation of a corpus fund

Details of the financial sustainability of the institution. Please provide last 3 years income & expenditure statement of the institution(s).
6(2)i An undertaking to the effect that the proposed institution deemed to be University shall abide by all the provisions of the UGC Act, rules made under the said Act and these regulations.
6(2)j In case funded by the State/Central Government, a letter of commitment from the respective Government to continue financial support to the institution even after declaration as a Deemed to be University
6(3) Copies of the documents uploaded on the Commission’s web portal shall also be publicly disclosed on the website of the institution, duly certified by the Head of the institution
11(1) The proposed Deemed to be University shall be registered as a not for profit Society/Trust/Company
Sponsoring body exclusively established for running educational institutions shall be exempted from registering a separate society/trust/company
There is no need to transfer the assets from sponsoring society/trust/company to the proposed Deemed to be University provided that the body provides notarized affidavit to the effect that the entire moveable and immoveable assets allocated to the Deemed to be University shall not be leased or otherwise disposed off without the prior permission of the UGC and also that all expansion in the future shall be undertaken by the society/trust/company exclusively established for Deemed to be University.
The following documents shall be uploaded
i. Society/Trust/Company Registration documents
ii. Undertaking as stated above

Existing Deemed to be Universities

Off-Shore Campus Centre(s) Eligibility Criteria
  1. Regulations in this regard will be notified by the UGC very soon.
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